Scotland the Brave(heart)

Happy Saint Andrew’s day! Have an Irn-Bru on me, lads and lasses! Or, you know, something stronger! When this whole Covid thingamabob is over, I’m looking forward to visiting you again ❤

Company Policy

To be honest, Lana had fantasised about that moment. She had dreamt of it; she had imagined how it would play out. So when the day came, she was beyond ready. It started with a very polite smile and one simple sentence:

‘Oh but ma’am, I am the manager.’

That stopped the harpy in her tirade. The coupons were strewn on the counter. The superior air was instantly deflated, and the older, short-haired, haughty woman started to stutter.

‘Wh-wh-what?’ she said, eyeing 22-year-old Lana up and down, ‘Don’t… Don’t lie to me, you stroppy brat!’

Still smiling, Lana slammed her ID badge on the counter, hard enough to make the woman flinch and look at her, worried. The woman hummed and hawed, looking at the ID with wide eyes. It clearly stated Manager in bold, red letters.

‘So,’ Lana begun, ‘like I said, we don’t accept expired coupons.’

The woman huffed. ‘Typical…’ she muttered, ‘You young people have everything handed to you…’

Lana pointed to a sign taped to the till that read ‘Staff abuse will not be tolerated’.

‘I suggest you stop, ma’am, or I will be forced to take action.’ she said, simply, pleasantly, never dropping the smile.

‘Or what?’ the older woman snapped, ‘You’ll force me to listen to another of the horrible songs that always play in here? Probably your boyfriend’s shitty band!’ She looked around at the few other clients in the store, hoping for support. All she got were raised eyebrows and shaking heads. Undeterred, she continued ranting.

‘I’m not surprised there are so few clients anyway, with such poor service, and your shitty attitude! Young people shouldn’t be in charge, they always mess it up! You should be ashamed!’

Lana walked around the counter. ‘I’m going to have to ask you to leave, ma’am…’

‘You can ask all you want, you little trollop! The customer is always right! Don’t you know the first thing about following store policies?’

Lana pointed to the sign again. She tapped the small prints.

‘Oh I do; in fact I was hoping you would bring it up. Look here: per company policy, any abuse will be met with corporal punishment.’

The woman blanched, and probably for the first time in her life, fell silent. It lasted a few delicious heartbeats, during which Lana’s smile only grew wider.

‘You… You can’t!…’ the woman tried.

‘Sorry ma’am,’ Lana said with relish, ‘it’s company policy!’

Without giving the woman time to argue, Lana grabbed her wrist and dragged her over to a chair that lay innocently in a corner by the counter. Having dreamt so much about it, she felt like she was just performing a role she had rehearsed many times before. Stunned, the woman only started to resist too late to change the outcome.

Lana liked to finish her day with a workout, and she was much stronger than the Karen in her grasp. Sitting down, she forced the tyrant over her lap and wasted no time in landing the first hard slap over her tight jeans. The woman screamed.

The few other customers in the shop didn’t move a single muscle to help her, and more slaps rained down, sharp and loud. The woman pleaded. She screamed more. She threatened. Nothing made Lana stop. Again and again, she slapped the woman’s ass. For an older woman, it was quite firm, shapely, bouncy. Truth be told, Lana was enjoying this immensely.

The threats slowly turned to sobs, pitiful and quiet, until Lana grabbed the jean’s waistband and started to pull down.

‘No!’ the woman pleaded with what was left of her defiance. ‘Not on the bare! People… people will see!’

‘You had no problem with people being there when you were yelling at me, did you?’

The woman said nothing.

‘You have no issue with witnesses when you humiliate store clerks, do you?

Still no answer, but the woman wriggled uncomfortably.

‘Now, I think you know that they’re coming down no matter what, so I’d advise you make it easier on yourself, ma’am….’ Lana said, menacingly.

With a defeated sigh, the woman reached for her jeans and managed to undo the button. With the woman’s jeans and white panties down to her thighs, Lana could finally admire the results of her handiwork. The round buttocks were already a dark pink, and the trembling woman had given up all hope of resisting what was to come.

The other client had long ago stopped browsing, and only pretended to look at the merchandise on offer, instead darting eyes over to the scene playing out. The smiles and nods were all the encouragement Lana needed to raise her hand once more.

With a loud SMACK!, she sent the bottom wobbling again, and the conceited woman cried out once more. More slaps came down, leaving marks and prints every time, turning the arrogant ass a bright crimson. Tears were running down the woman’s cheeks, and she was mumbling apologies in a tearful voice.

Lana continued spanking her for long, humiliating minutes, until the woman’s ass was red throughout and burning to the touch. The tears had not stopped rolling, and the sobs were a pleasant music to her ears. Then she spanked her some more, until at last she was satisfied.

None too gently, she got the woman up and dragged her to a corner of the shop. The woman kept her head down and didn’t protest. When Lana told her to put her hands on her head, she obeyed. Her jeans stayed down; so did her panties. In the following hours, the store got busier than it had ever been, as clients seemed to come in but not leave. In fact, most of them seemed to find every article in the store very interesting and made a point of checking each an every one of them in detail. As she prepared to close the store down, she tapped the woman’s shoulder and pointed to the door. With a sigh and a shameful nod, the woman pulled her jeans up and ran away.

2b or not 2b

2b from Nier: Automata won the poll last month, so here she is getting her shapely bottom roasted!

There is another poll currently running over on deviant Art for the December Discord pic!

And come join the Discord to have a chat with me and like-minded people, and to nominate spankees for the January pic! (the theme is Celebrities!)



—Oui, ma belle?

—Tu me fais un câlin ?

—Je sais pas… Tu mérites ?

—Bah oui, hein. Toujours !

—C’est pas ce qu’on m’a dit…

—Ah oui, et c’est qui ‘on’ ?

—Oh bah tu sais, j’ai mes sources…

—Mouais, des sources…

—Très haut placées…

—Ah oui? Je voyais ça plus bas…

—Plus bas ?

—Ouais, genre dans ton…

—Pfff, c’est fin ça, Julie…»

Elle lui tire la langue.

«C’est toi qui m’accuses !

—J’ai tort ?

—Voui, je suis un ange ces jours-ci…

—Carrément ?

—Bah ouais. J’ai payé la facture de gaz en temps et en heure, la cuisine est nickel, pas un mél en retard au boulot. Un ange, je te dis.

—Donc on va ignorer le caprice d’hier soir, les gros mots ce matin…

—C’est le foutu réveil !

—Les gros mots d’aujourd’hui, donc…


—Ton linge par terre de ton côté du lit, ta tasse de thé qui moisit sur la table basse…

—C’est rien ça…

—Le dossier que t’as pas encore fini qui devait être sur le bureau de ta cheffe la semaine dernière dernier délai…

—Oui euh…

—L’assurance de la voiture…


—Ta plante verte qui se meurt…


—T’as pas fini tes mots croisés…

—Non mais…

—Tu ne t’es pas assez hydratée aujourd’hui…

—Oui, bon, j’ai pas fait la paix dans le monde non plus, hein..

—Je sais ! Mes sources…

—Ah oui, tes sources… ‘Savent tout… C’est comme Google…

—Ce qu’elles savent, c’est qu’avant ton câlin, tu vas venir sur mes genoux…

—Ah oui ?

—C’est ce qu’elles me disent…

—Elle prédisent l’avenir en plus ?

—C’est comme la météo, vague de chaleur sur les fesses de Julie.

—Je sors le bikini, alors ?

—On va faire ‘plage nudiste’, plutôt.

—Ça me va, mais après j’ai un câlin, oui ?

—Après, t’en auras plein.»

Generational issues

“But mum!!” the girl yelled, “I’m twenty-two! You can’t— OWW!!”

Holding her daughter over her knees, the mum in question kept spanking hard.

“We’re on— OWW! Mum! We’re on lockdown! Oww! Oww!” the daughter tried again.

“And that’s no reason to be lazy, Janice!” the mother exclaimed.

“Mum, please!”

“As long as you live under my roof, young lady…”

“Yes! Yes! Your rules, I kn— OWWW! I know, mum but PLEASE!”

The slaps kept coming, sharp and biting. Her panties were long gone, down to her knees.

“When was your sociology class?”

“Ye- Ow! Yesterday…” the girl managed between to sharp intakes of breath.

“And what about Economics?”

“Mon… Ow! Oww! Owwww! Monday, mum, please, please stop!” she begged again.

“So you haven’t been to school, your bedroom is a mess, you haven’t showered, all you do is lay in bed all day, on your computer and your phone!”

Her mother shook her head, peppering Janice’s bare bottom with hard slaps.

“I know! Mum! I’m sorry! And I’ve had classes! It’s all on the computer!”

“Classes on the computer? Are you lying again?” the mother said, outraged.

“No, mum, I… OWW! I promise!”

Tears were rolling down her blushing cheeks. Her mother shook her head.

“I don’t think there are classes on the computer. I’ve never heard of that. Classes need their teacher.”

“No, mum, please… Please stop, listen! It’s— Owwww! It’s like a video-ow-ow-owww! A video-call! Please!”

“Stop your nonsense! You will go to your classes!”

“But mum! We’re in lockdown! Oww!”

“Schools are open! I’ve read it in the papers!”

“But this OWW! It’s Uni, mum! It’s on the comp—”

“Don’t tell me it’s on the computer again or I’ll go get the paddle!”

“But mum…”