Fun, fun, fun!

To be honest, I appreciate spankings much more when there is a reason behind them. It might not be a very serious reason, and it sometimes it can be a game to pretty much invent one in the spur of the moment, but I find that it brings so much more to the experience than a simple, ‘just for fun’ spanking.

Maybe it’s because I have known some very playful spankees for whom the threat of a spanking to come was just as fun as the spanking itself; maybe it’s because of these games of hide and seek, of playful banter and exasperation that culminates in a —well deserved by then— reddening of buttocks. It may also be that enjoying hurting someone is easier to accept when the hurting seems justified (no unwilling cheeks were hurt in the making of this post), but that’s a topic for another day.

Of course, spanking isn’t one thing. There isn’t one spanking, there are spankings, plural, and they come in many shades of red. Depending on the reason, on the occasion, on the spankee and on the spanker, there will be many ways to enjoy and punish as is fit. There is a simple pleasure in pale cheeks turning red (or dark cheeks, all skin tones are welcome), in resistance giving way, in breathing becoming harder as the burning increases. I hope that for the spankees, there is something also in having a fault, however small, being expiated, forgiven and forgotten. A clean slate for a red bottom, it seems a fair trade.

It’s not to say that funishment is not… well, fun; but it’s always nice to have a scolding to accompany the smacks, like lyrics to the music, if you will. Isn’t it?

A Tropical Vacation

“NeuNunDNeUnZig LuFtBaLlons!…”

The shrill voice of an intoxicated Belinda Krüger blared through the bar’s speakers. After the pandemic had ended, the young German blonde had decided that she needed a vacation, and what better vacation than a paradise island, white sandy beaches and happy hour cocktail nights?

She’d packed her bag, mostly bikinis and beach towels, all in the colours of the German flag. She found that it was always a great conversation starter when she was abroad, and she liked meeting new people… even though it often ended up with her bottom a burning, bright red. She didn’t really know why, but it was the way these things went. Thinking about it, she had also packed a few bottles of lotion, just in case…

That night, much to her delight, was Karaoke night at the bar she had found herself frequenting. The place was nice, the drinks cheap and well mixed. There was a stage where concerts, lectures, improv had happened before, and where the singers were that night. Well, singer, singular. With most patrons busy drinking and socialising, she was already on her third song. More than a few drinks in, she had started badly, and it wasn’t getting any better.

“Auf iHrEm WeG zUm HoRiZOnt!…”

She continued belting out the words, out of tune and slightly behind on the music. In her drunk ears, it sounded perfect, and she bellowed the lyrics in what she thought was a sultry singer’s voice. More and more patrons were looking at her, frowning. Some were shaking their heads, some wincing and covering their ears. Even the barmen and barmaids were rising an eyebrow. With drunk tourists coming around every Karaoke night, they should have been used to it, but she was particularly bad. Belinda turned around and started wiggling her bikini-clad round buttocks while the song played on, oblivious to the increasingly disapproving crowd.

As she was about to start butchering the third verse, a man got up to her. An athletic, mid-thirties guy, he was only wearing knee-long shorts and sandals, with a lei, a flower garland, covering his muscular chest. Not bad looking, Belinda thought, looking over her shoulder as he came closer. Eastern European, maybe? Maybe Russian? In a heavily accented English, he said:

“I think it’s time you stop!”

Definitely Russian. She ignored him and carried on singing and waggling her derrière enticingly. What was he going to do, huh? She laughed and jumbled the next words in the song.

“Hey! Devochka! I’m talking to you!” the man said, and she made a show of ignoring him. The man banged his glass down on a nearby table and leapt on stage, going for her microphone. She splashed the drink she was holding in his face, and it went all over the flower garland. If she was hoping it would stop him, she was very wrong. With a grunt, he grabbed the microphone in one hand and her arm in the other.

“Oh you like singing, da? I have a song for you!”

Frowning, he dragged a stool over with his foot and sat down, still on stage, bringing her down over his knees in one swift movement. The music was still playing.

Was?” Belinda cried, “What are you doing?! Hör auf! Stop!”

Nyet!” was the only response as his hand came slamming down on her ass, over the German-coloured bikini bottoms. She yelled, in anger, surprise, and in pain. How dare he! He was ruining the song! In her drunken state, she hadn’t registered yet that everybody in the bar had stopped their conversation and were staring at them.

Slap! Slap! Slap!, the man started smacking her bottom to the rhythm of the song. She could see the metronome on screen counting 193 bpm. A few seconds in and her bottom was already burning. AUTSCH! she yelled, “Stop! Mein Popo!”

“Sing, then, little njémka! What are the lyrics again?”, the Russian man laughed, and he mockingly started singing “Ninety nine red bottoms… Spanked in the summer bar!”

The slap continued, and so did the song, “Ninety-nine slaps of the hand… For a very drunk German!”

Somehow, the bad rhyme worked in his accent. Slap! Slap! Slap!, he didn’t miss a beat. She bit her lip not to cry out in pain. Someone from the public yelled:

“Ninety-nine well spanked buttocks… I like my whisky on the rocks!”

The whole bar erupted in laughter, and tears of pain streamed down Belinda’s cheeks. Her drunken haze was clearing out fast, and her bottom burned with pain. Another patron came to the stage and grabbed the microphone:

“Ninety-nine bad girls in town… Let’s pull her bikini down!” he sang with a grin.

More laughter, and the microphone got passed around as the Russian man grabbed her bikini bottoms and pulled them down to her thighs. “Nein! Nein! Das kannst du nicht machen! You can’t!” Belinda yelled, and tried to get them back up, or at least cover herself, but there was nothing she could do and the slaps fell harder on her naked cheeks. Crimson as they were, they were only getting redder by the minute. More people joined in the song:

“Ninety-nine smacks, that’s quite rough… But I don’t think she’s had enough!”

Laughs and appreciative whistling, more hard slaps on her bottom. People were holding their phone up, filming the whole thing. Someone pushed a button on the Karaoke machine and the song started playing again from the start. “Ach du großer Gott!”, Belinda moaned.

“Ninety-nine hard slaps and more… I think she needs an encore!” sang a woman. Slaps hit Belinda’s thighs and made her cry out. She kicked her legs, but it only made her round cheeks wiggle more, much to the delight of the audience. There were cheers and laughs as they bounced and wobbled with each slap, the noise blending with the music.

“Ninety-nine slaps on her butt… That’ll teach that German slut!” sang a young local that she had been flirting with earlier. Again and again, the Russian man’s big hands fell down on her ass. It would be bruised for days, she thought! And she only had bikinis to wear… Even if she went to a different part of the island, there would be no way to hide her shame… And with the videos being filmed, or even livestreamed, even people at home might see… “Ach, scheiße…”, she murmured…

“Ninety-nine smacks on her ass… Serves her well, that cheeky lass!” said an Irishman next, and on and on it went, people having the time of their life while her bottom was thoroughly punished, and her dignity reduced to nothing.

After the song was played a third time, she was sobbing and begging, and the Russian man took pity on her at last. But her ordeal was far from over. Lifting her up, he made her stand on stage, her hands over her head while people came up to take pictures and selfies next to her glowing red bottom. When the bar finally closed , she pulled her bikini bottoms up and ran into the night and to her hotel. Once in her room, she was glad to have packed lotion. Once more, she would have to sleep on her belly. And in her head, she could still hear the song…

Denkst du vielleicht grad an mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich

The Spank-City Tribune – 8

In which things get a little trashy 😛

You can read past issues here: issue 1, issue 2, issue 3, issue 4, issue 5, issue 6, and issue 7

And the illustration, as always:

The Spank-City Tribune – 7

Number 7 already! Time flies!

You can read past issues here: issue 1, issue 2, issue 3, issue 4, issue 5, issue 6

And the illustration:


We’re having an art competition over on the Discord

Back in the day on animeotk, El Manto Negro used to provide templates and people had a go at making something cool out of it; so I thought I’d try that out!

Feel free to use it for yourself and have fun with it, of course! You can change/erase/copy whatever your want 🙂

Of course, I had a go at different things with it:

The Spank-City Tribune – 6

And here’s number 6!

You can read past issues here: issue 1, issue 2, issue 3, issue 4, issue 5

And the illustration:

The Spank-City Tribune – 5

Fifth issue! If you missed them, do read issue 1, issue 2, issue 3, and issue 4 !

I must confess I forgot to post it on Wednesday! New one tomorrow!

And the illustration:


Sortant de la douche, elle prend une serviette et la passe doucement autour de sa taille. Le tissu frôle sa peau et elle frissonne, gémit à voix basse. Elle soupire. La douche froide n’a pas fait grand chose pour calmer la douleur des bleus sur ses fesses. Il y a été un peu fort…

Elle se tourne et relève la serviette pour jeter un oeil à sa croupe devant le grand miroir au mur. Aïe… Son pauvre petit cul… C’est pas possible d’avoir la main lourde comme ça… Oui, elle a encore oublié les factures, oui, elle a été un peu malpolie («Rhoo, tu vas pas m’emmerder avec ça…» si elle se souvient bien…), oui, elle a continué même quand il l’a prise sur ses genoux et commencé à la fesser («Oh non, p’tain !»). Oui, bon, elle était de mauvaise humeur, d’abord, et elle voulait qu’il continue un peu plus fort, un peu plus longtemps, ensuite.

Mais de là à aller chercher la brosse et de défaire sa ceinture ? Franchement…

Hésitante, elle tâte sa tendre chair. Aïe. La couleur est moins pivoine qu’avant la douche, mais elle est loin de son habituelle blancheur hivernale. Et puis les marques… Ça va rester un moment ça. Bon, elle n’avait pas prévu de sortir en bikini, heureusement. D’un doigt incertain, elle touche un des bleus, et immédiatement serre les fesses et gémit. AÏE.

«Julie ?» fait une voix derrière la porte de la salle de bains.

«Oui ?

—T’as bientôt fini ?

—Rho, ça va… Il est chiant aujourd’hui…

—Pardon ?»

Ah zut! Il n’a pas entendu, quand même ? Non… Il a plein de qualités, Thomas. mais c’est pas Superman, non plus…

«Presque, mon cœur !»

Mais déjà, la porte s’ouvre. Et il a déjà la ceinture à la main. Elle plisse les lèvres et pense: «Oh m…»